Dastardly deeds, daring deceptions and a dress to die for. Epiphany Bloom is back on the case! Epiphany ‘Pip’ Bloom, would-be detective and London’s unluckiest woman, finds herself in a real costume drama when she unearths a theft at a fashion…
Dastardly deeds, daring deceptions and a dress to die for... Epiphany Bloom is back on the case!Epiphany ‘Pip’ Bloom, would-be detective and London’s unluckiest woman, finds herself in a real costume drama when she unearths a theft at a fashion museum.The missing dress is a proper piece of Hollywood history, worth a fortune. And as Pip investigates, she finds the museum staff all had reasons to want the garment gone. From fancy boutiques to sketchy back alleys, Pip discovers the fashion world is not all glitz and glamour as she hunts down her prize.As if she doesn’t have enough on her plate, Pip also has her growing feelings for her housemate Tim to contend with, a family of cats to feed and her mother keeps phoning about a shipment of llamas arriving any day now from South America.But there’s no time for distractions because Pip’s not the only one after the dress. And for the most dedicated collectors, a piece like this is worth any price – even murder...A laugh-out-loud, light-hearted cozy mystery for fans of M.C. Beaton, T.E. Kinsey, Lauren Elliott and Joanne Fluke, that will have you reading late into the night.Readers are loving the Epiphany Bloom Mysteries:‘A great escapism read, funny, entertaining and easy to read. It reminded me of younger Agatha Raisin who I love and Pip is a genuinely warm and comical character... Great fun, I loved it!’ Karen Reads and Recommends‘It’s a giggle a minute joining Pip in her adventures... addictive and amusing... I just loved Epiphany Bloom. She’s a fabulously funny character who can make the sun shine even on the most gloomy of days... Fans of cozy mysteries should find this book a sheer delight!’ - Goodreads reviewer‘Tremendous fun!... this book has a proper and thoroughly developed mystery plot... It’s a very definite yes from me for Pip Bloom and her fledgling investigative career – I can’t wait to read more!’ - It Takes a WomanAuthor sold just under 1000 copies in less than 1 month of publishing their previous title-Katie Gayle is the writing partnership of best-selling South African writers, Kate Sidley and Gail Schimmel. Kate and Gail have, between them, written over ten books of various genres, but with Katie Gayle, they both make their debut in the cozy mystery genre. Both Gail and Kate live in Johannesburg, with husbands, children, dogs and cats. Unlike their sleuth Epiphany Bloom, neither of them have ever stolen a cat from the vet.
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