The Jungle Book (EN)
Rudyard KiplingWho could have known that when Rudyard Kipling wrote these…
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Who could have known that when Rudyard Kipling wrote these…
Puck of Pook's Hill is a children's book by Rudyard…
Captains Courageous is an 1897 novel, by Rudyard Kipling,…
The "Just So Stories for Little Children" is among…
"Kim" is a fabulous adventure story set in India during the…
"In American Notes", the Anglo-Indian Rudyard Kipling…
"The Brushwood Boy" tells the story of British army…
"The Man Who Would Be King" (1888) is inspired by the…
Kipling’s tales of Mowgli and his exciting life in the…
Povídky o Mauglím se považují za nejlepší z Knih džunglí.…
Tales like How the Camel Got His Hump and The Elephant's…