Magdalen and Norah Vanstone have known only comfort and affluence for their entire lives. Orphaned suddenly following the unexpected deaths of their parents, the illegitimate sisters find themselves flung into the other extreme of living: their…
Magdalen and Norah Vanstone have known only comfort and affluence for their entire lives. Orphaned suddenly following the unexpected deaths of their parents, the illegitimate sisters find themselves flung into the other extreme of living: their father had neglected to amend his will following their parents’ recent marriage, leaving them with nothing, and their bitter, estranged uncle, the legal inheritor of the family fortune, mercilessly refuses them support. They have no money, no rights and no name. Norah, the elder of the two, looks for work as a governess and accepts her fate. Fiery and headstrong Magdalen, however, does not. She vows revenge and schemes a series of traps to recover the fortune, no matter the cost...
Délka1 den 3 hodiny
InterpretNicholas Boulton, Rachel Atkins, Russell Bentley, John Foley, David Rintoul and Lucy Scott
Celkové hodnoceníHodnocení zboží sbíráme od reálných zákazníků, kterým po odeslání objednávky posíláme e-mailem žádost o hodnocení objednaných produktů.
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No Name (EN) / Jméno
Objednávka | Česká pošta – Balík do ruky 99 Kč | Zásilkovna – Výdejní místo nebo Z-Box 69 Kč
Centrální sklad
0 ks|07. 03.
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