"I will not suffer thee, ungrateful girl, to rule my people according to thine own capricious will!" The king of Denmark is extremely frustrated with his daughter. Not only does she reject every suitor who asks for her hand – she does it so rudely…
"I will not suffer thee, ungrateful girl, to rule my people according to thine own capricious will!"The king of Denmark is extremely frustrated with his daughter. Not only does she reject every suitor who asks for her hand – she does it so rudely that her reputation has become horrible in the neighboring countries. When the King orders her to marry one of her cousins, she does so only begrudgingly, and instantly starts planning her father's murder with her new husband. But can the newlyweds trust each other knowing what the other is capable of?Grim, but satisfying 'The Witch Caprusche' is essentially about karma. Less melancholy than a Hans Christian fairytale, but with similar insight, the story certainly deserves a place among the greats.
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B. J. Harrison Reads The Witch Caprusche (EN) / Elizabeth Fries Ellet
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