The name Argentina already sounds auspicious, being derived from the Latin argentum, or silver. Between the Atlantic coast in the east and the Andes in the west streches the vast grassland of the Pampas and Patagonias.
The name Argentina already sounds auspicious, being derived from the Latin argentum, or silver. Between the Atlantic coast in the east and the Andes in the west streches the vast grassland of the Pampas and Patagonias. Here you can still experience the wild romanticism of the gaucho culture. The natural wonders of the impressive Iguazu waterfalls in the border region to Brazil, and the whales and elephant seals near the Valdéz peninsula, all offer unique worlds of experience, as do the spectacular glacier landscape of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego's lighthouse at the end of the World.
About the Author:
Katja Sassmannshausen works full-time as a director for German television. As a freelance picture editor she can combine her special eye for pictures with her passion for other countries and cultures.
Ellen Spielmann lives and works as a freelance author.
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